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Procrastination is an ailment that has wrangled the best of us. From mowing the summer lawn to taking down the Christmas tree, it’s safe to say that if “tomorrow” is an option, we’re going to do our best to take it.  And while choosing to binge-watch “Game of Thrones” over cleaning out your basement is a lighthearted sacrifice with little to few repercussions, waiting until the last minute to file your income taxes could prove to be costly.

Now is the time for you to call your tax preparer and schedule an appointment. Why? Because everyone else is doing the same thing and waiting will do nothing but decrease your chances of getting your tax return filed before the April 15th deadline.

Every year brings about new tax laws. This year, in particular, we have many clients who have questions regarding Obamacare. We want to give each of our clients the time necessary to answer their questions and to, in return, have our questions answered as well. If we’re rushing to meet that April 15th deadline, the probability for errors arise and that is a scenario that we avoid at all costs. Our customers deserve more and that is why we strongly encourage them to schedule their appointments early.

So if you’re ready to file your taxes and are searching for a firm that has a strong command of today’s tax laws and a commitment to provide you with timely, accurate service, then call Dudley and Associates at 540.483.7133. We may even stream “Game of Thrones” in the lobby while you wait.

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